Saturday, March 24, 2007
Maple Syrup Festival

Yesterday, we went to the Maple Syrup Festival at Bruce’s Mills Conservation Centre. My mother got the idea from her online forums and then I found the exact location from the Internet. Initially I didn’t want to go because I already went to Forest Valley (an outdoor education centre) twice and know about Maple Syrup. I figured it was going to be the same thing as Forest Valley but the its website said there were real pony rides, horse wagon rides, and also dog sledding. That sounded very interesting, so I decided to go.
The Trip
There were two other families that also came with us, Sherry’s family and my dad’s colleague’s family. Sherry lives close to us so we drove there together. It only took about half an hour to reach the festival. The other family lives close and met us in the farm.
Horse Rides!
When we got there, it was pretty cold. I thought winter would be over by now! Why has winter come back for vengeance?! It had been above 10 degrees for a week and now it suddenly starts snowing? I jumped out of the car and it was sooooooo cold! I shivered with coldness, jumping and running around the car park to warm up. All we children ran to the centre and spotted the pony rides. My brother was so fierce normally, but when he saw the young ponies, he was scared and ran in fright. We found out the tour guide only comes every half an hour so we decided to go on the horse wagon ride until the tour guide comes.. It was such a nice ride! We could smell the nice country air and nature growing and moving all around us. The huge horses pulling on the wagon were stronger than a car, pulling a huge wagon loaded with at least 15 people. It was like riding huge dragons up in the sky, with no care or worry. The ride only took 10 minutes, but I wanted it to go on forever because it was so calm and refreshing.
Dog Sledding
After the wonderful maple syrup tour, we went to dog sledding. Again,my brother was scared and didn't go. Only Sherry, her sister, and me took the ride.
The dogs were fierce husky dogs with ferocious teeth. Although they were tamed and well trained, I was still a little bit scared. The ride was really fast!
I was saying "Oh yeah!"
The Campfire and Lunch
After our friends were done exploring the centre, we went to their
house to have dinner. My friend had a Gamecube and we played Lego Star Wars on it. After we had a delicious meal of dumplings, we went home and slept soundly.