Sunday, June 04, 2006


Our First Visit to Doors Open Toronto

TengDa Hu
May 31, 2006

It was Doors Open Toronto Day again! It only happens once in a year, the last weekend of May. On this rare day, people go to visit many historical buildings and other exciting places. We could go to police stations, fire stations, famous churches and many other places. We were planning to go there!

How to get there

I was excited! We packed food, clothes, drinks, caps and some toys. With another family, we rode the subway to Union station. The Power Plant was supposed to be our first stop, but it was closed. But the lakeside view was beautiful. And in a nearby pond, we saw a huge toy submarine diving under the water. It was so cool!

Police Marine Unit

While walking along the lake, we noticed a very nice white bridge and we took some pictures. Across the bridge, there was the Police Marine Unit, our planed second stop. A policeman greeted us and welcomed us into the unit. He told us that this unit was built in 1984 many other interesting details and information. We also went on a police boat. This was my first time to get on a police boat! It was so exciting!

Tall Ship

We found a tall sailing ship and explored it. It was very old but cool. There is spider webs everywhere and wasps on them. We took some pictures and got off.

Old and New City Hall

It was lunch time and one of our kids insisted to go to McDonald’s. There was no McDonald’s around, so we had to walk a long way from Union Station to the Eaton Centre. It was so hot!

After lunch, we started visiting the Old City Hall. There are many interesting carvings of symbols and people on the walls and doors. And we even sat in a high court room for a while.

Next to the Old City Hall, it is the New City Hall. It is much more modern and grand! We even went into the Mayor’s office! We also went to the meeting areas and took some pictures of the places. Then, we walked to Queen Station to get back home. On the way, I bought Slush from an ice-cream truck and drank it with my brother.

When we were on the train, dad and my brother felt asleep. It was a very fun and exciting trip!

Saturday, June 03, 2006

My favourite games are playstation 2 games. Especially the great racing game called "Sonic Riders". When you first start, you select a subject; Normal Race, Shop, Survival Mode, Story Mode, or World Grand Prix. I always play Normall Race because I think it's the the best. Then you choose a stage; Metal City, Spash Canyon, Egg Factory, Green Cave and Sand Ruins. It's from the easiest to the hardest and I always pick Metal City. Then you pick a charactor. Then you start racing. There are lots of tricks and attacks to win. It is my favorrite game!

Online Games
My favorite online game websites are, and could play one of these on your laptop or computer for free!


My Weekend Fishing Trip

TengDa Hu

May 2006

It was the Victoria long weekend, year 2006 in May. We planned to go to Ottawa to see the tulip festival but the weather turned out to be rainy and stormy so dad suggested that we go fishing in Lindsay, a small town north of Toronto. <><

How to get there

With another family, we drove toward 401 east, heading north at exit 436 after half an hour; Then we followed Highway 115/35 towards further north. After one hour, we arrived at Lindsay, a very small but beautiful town. We found a small motel called Kent Inn. We parked our cars in the parking lot beside the motel and we checked in. <><


After lunch we went fishing in a nearby river. But we caught only 4 small fishes after a few hours. Then we decided to change to another place where there is a small dam right at the cross of Kent Street and Lindsay street. And we found there were already quite a lot of people that started fishing there. <><

We quickly equipped our fishing rods, stood on a bridge and started fishing. This time is completely different. Right after I put the fishing line down with bait, a fish bit the bait. I pulled the fishing rod up and started reeling the reel in. There was a small fish on the hook! <><

There are so many fishes! It’s so easy to catch! Every minute when I drop the bait, the fish bit it and I caught it! It’s amazing! I caught more than 20 fish in one hour and it was very fun. My hands were very cold so I went in the car and rested for 5 minutes. Then I went out again and fished more. <><


After a few hours, we were all cold and tired and went home for dinner. We took out our pots and cooking materials and made a fire on the stove. We put our food in the pot and cooked. It was very tasty with the sauce we brought. <><

The second day

The second day, we went fishing on the bridge again. Mum caught a big mouth bass! But we could not take it home because it is not in the season yet. If we took it home, it’s against the law. We took many pictures of the fish with me and dad. But we forgot to take a picture of that fish with Mum! <><

It was such a wonderful fishing trip! I was so happy to catch so many fish! <><

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