Sunday, October 29, 2006

If you want to play this game, go to and click on ”Create a free account(New User). Type in the username and password you would like to have in this game. If you want to have membership, page down and find “Membership”. After you are done that you can start playing.
Me and My Friends

My account username is called super 10123. This is me with my best armour and the coolest looking armour I have. I am holding a rune scimitar and wearing full black gold. In my inventory is full rune without the helmet, a easter ring and some money. I also have many friends that play Runescape. Helen’s account is Helen12444. My friends at school’s accounts are: skfnxh2, skfnxh0, ihadanidea, fraction 1, and youhadnoidea. My best friend’s account is fobby99. I am level 70 combat. My ranging is 45, defense is 58, strength is 61, attack is 58, cooking is 56, fishing is 53 but all the others are low levels. I taught all my friends how to play Runescape. My old account was called hut112, it was level 52, but someone hacked me and I had to start a new account.
Why It’s So Cool
I have been playing Runescape for more than 2 years and each time I play, I like Runescape better. Runescape has many new graphics and cool things that are cool, like my Easter ring I got this Easter, which can turn me into an Easter egg. This year’s Halloween there will be a very cool game so I am preparing myself for it.
There are lots of quests and mini games. My favourite mini game was Account Security. You get to have fancy or fighting boots if you succeed at it. That mini game is still on, you could still go and try it! They are also Random Events. Some are good but some are bad. Good events will give you things but bad events will have a monster attack you. Monsters include a Rock Golem, shade, zombie, river troll and evil chicken. Tree Spirits will appear if you are cutting trees for a long time.
How Do You Play Runescape?
The purpose of playing Runescape is to become the best and strongest player and have the most money and fame. With lots of money, you could buy lots of cool armour and weapons.
To be the best, you must learn to earn money and trade with other players. One common way of making money is to sell big bones and limpwurt roots. You can only get these things from Giants like Hill Giants and Moss Giants. I use this way because you get to train on Hill Giants and get money at the same time! These things are worth 300-400 coins each if you sell them to banks. In banks, there are always lots of players buying and selling stuff.
The second way is to kill other players in the wilderness. When you kill someone in the wilderness, you can get their things and sell them for money. Don’t try to actually kill a group of people alone or a really high leveled player. They can kill you really easily and take your things.
You use the mouse the keyborad to play the game. The mouse is used to move and interact with your player like talk and attack. The arrow keys on your keyboard adjusts your view of the game. You can talk by typing in the words and pressing enter. When you start playing, you will start at Tutorial Island. You will be combat level 3. The limit is 126 combat level in Runescape. You will be teleported to Lumbridge after you do the training and you will find training guides there.
In Lumbridge, they will give you more weapons to train. In non-members armour, there is bronze, iron, steel, black, mithril, adament and rune. These are listed from good to best. For weapons, it is also from bronze to rune. The wilderness is a place where people can fight each other. The levels of the wilderness allow different levels of players to play. For example: you can fight a level 3 if you are in level 1 wilderness, if you are level 45, you can fight a level 15 in level 30 wilderness. Just do the math. I had died in the wilderness for more than 5 times and I lost lots of rune weapons.
I think Runescape is a good game because it gives you fun and interesting things to participate in lets you help people. It feels like I am helping a real person in real life when I play Runescape’s quests. You should try playing Runescape on:,, If you need help with the game try!
I have started playing a new game called Maplestory. I will also write a story about it. Stay tuned!