Friday, June 19, 2009
I'm back from my four-day trip in Quebec City, and I am so very tired. Actually, I've been to Quebec once before on a tour with my family, but the city wasn't the main attraction and so we did not explore everything. I slept from 10pm to 9am when I got back, and I was still tired. I've never slept that long ever since I first came to Canada and was affected by jet lag.
The drive to Quebec actually took about 11 hours by bus, including lunch! It actually went by pretty fast, probably due to the intense hand-held gaming with my friends. Everyone who had a DS played Mario Kart by Download Play, and that killed about 4 hours of time, which could've been more if my body could handle it. I was surprised I could stay up that long, normally i would've fell asleep. Even playing games for that long could get boring, surprisingly.

Arriving in Quebec City was very relieving, and we first checked in at a Delta hotel. Our hotel room had two beds, one tv and one washroom. We also had a landscape view of the streets and buildings of the city. At night, my friends refused to sleep and we made some cup noodles and drank lots of Coke to stay awake. We watched movies on our PSPs past midnight and we only got about 5 hours of sleep each day, which was clearly not enough as my eyes were red all the time. Taking turns for showers was a drag because I was always 3rd, and everyone took so long. It's really uncomfortable to sit in a room all sweaty and tired, so I always looked forward to showering, but some of my friends had to take 1 hour periods in the washroom, and who knows why. I sure don't want to find out.
The meals we had in Quebec were simply delightful. We had buffets everyday, except for lunch where my friends and I just went to McDonalds. I know, it's horrible, but it was our only choice. Every time the guide gave us free time in the city, we would just march over to McDonalds and grab a large Coke, and waste our time there. THe breakfasts were always filled with scrambled eggs, bacon, potatoes and sausages. There were also always the French-style crepes which I drowned in syrup. The dinners One dinner buffet actually had Chinese food, which was awkwardly surprising yet very enjoyable.

Our tour guide led us through Quebec City, looking at many statues of important people like Samuel de Champlain who founded Quebec, historical buildings such as the Martello Towers and learning the history of the city. I didn't find the tours too interesting, and my friends moaned in annoyance as we had one tour after the other. I learned that the battle of the Plains of Abraham only lasted about 10-20 mins, even though it was such an important battle. Honestly, I liked just staying in the hotel room with my friends, just relaxing. It is just the independence that I like the most, not having to follow orders and such.
The drive to Quebec actually took about 11 hours by bus, including lunch! It actually went by pretty fast, probably due to the intense hand-held gaming with my friends. Everyone who had a DS played Mario Kart by Download Play, and that killed about 4 hours of time, which could've been more if my body could handle it. I was surprised I could stay up that long, normally i would've fell asleep. Even playing games for that long could get boring, surprisingly.

Arriving in Quebec City was very relieving, and we first checked in at a Delta hotel. Our hotel room had two beds, one tv and one washroom. We also had a landscape view of the streets and buildings of the city. At night, my friends refused to sleep and we made some cup noodles and drank lots of Coke to stay awake. We watched movies on our PSPs past midnight and we only got about 5 hours of sleep each day, which was clearly not enough as my eyes were red all the time. Taking turns for showers was a drag because I was always 3rd, and everyone took so long. It's really uncomfortable to sit in a room all sweaty and tired, so I always looked forward to showering, but some of my friends had to take 1 hour periods in the washroom, and who knows why. I sure don't want to find out.
The meals we had in Quebec were simply delightful. We had buffets everyday, except for lunch where my friends and I just went to McDonalds. I know, it's horrible, but it was our only choice. Every time the guide gave us free time in the city, we would just march over to McDonalds and grab a large Coke, and waste our time there. THe breakfasts were always filled with scrambled eggs, bacon, potatoes and sausages. There were also always the French-style crepes which I drowned in syrup. The dinners One dinner buffet actually had Chinese food, which was awkwardly surprising yet very enjoyable.

Our tour guide led us through Quebec City, looking at many statues of important people like Samuel de Champlain who founded Quebec, historical buildings such as the Martello Towers and learning the history of the city. I didn't find the tours too interesting, and my friends moaned in annoyance as we had one tour after the other. I learned that the battle of the Plains of Abraham only lasted about 10-20 mins, even though it was such an important battle. Honestly, I liked just staying in the hotel room with my friends, just relaxing. It is just the independence that I like the most, not having to follow orders and such.
The ride was back very saddening, because we all knew we had to get back to our normal lives, going to school, doing chores and well, all the other boring stuff. It was a great trip, and I wish I could do it again. It's been so much fun in B.H.E.S. these two years. What lies in wait for us in high school, now that we're finally finished with Grade 8?
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Quebec Trip finally!
I`ve waited the entire school year for this four-day trip! I`ll be rooming in a hotel with 3 other guys and we`re going to have lots of fun exploring the streets of Quebec City. Last year in Grade 7 we got to go to Ottawa, and I thought that was a blast! I enjoyed playing poker in our rooms at night, watching late night tv shows and the best thing was the independence we received. The only downside to this trip is that just driving there on the bus would take 9 hours. 9 hours of playing hand-held games and watching a movie that we hope someone would bring, and maybe I would get some sleep in, but that`s unlikely.